Symposium, December 9th – 12th, 2021
Reimagining Public Spaces and Built Environments
in the Post-pandemic World
Paul Messinger, University of Alberta
Kishwar Habib, University of Alberta and Reimagine Architects
Vivian Manasc, Reimagine Architects
Eleni Stroulia, AI4Society – University of Alberta
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(download the Book of Abstracts in PDF)
Check the full program here
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Don’t Let Another Crisis Go to Waste – Cities are shaped by the aftermath of various crises. History of the pandemic shows how urban life and the built environment have been rehabilitated as a result of crisis/disasters and cure/ prevention measures from chronic diseases. In reverberation, we saw reimagining public spaces and built environments by embracing new socio-spatial concepts, design, policies, and practices.
As the COVID-19 pandemic crisis hits, a shift of paradigm now demands for reshaping our (in)tangible spatial layouts from micro to macro level, apart from the ‘new normal’ of social distancing guidelines and public health measures to mitigate the spread of the virus. We have seen, the movement of the people, as well as social contact, have been reduced considerably by transformation and/or imposing restrictions on the use of public spaces often with law-enforced stay-at-home order. As this crisis in global health and restricted social interaction poses challenges, many places are leveraging communication technologies to be connected virtually online. Meanwhile, as we depended vastly on technology, the need to connect to the outdoors and accessibility to the neighborhood park became evident/vital for our mental health and well-being. Parks, urban voids-green spaces seem to be the safest places to venture while maintaining social distance. In many parts of the world, we also have seen balconies, terraces become a place for refuge to connect with the public and outdoor urban environment. To enhance the quality of public space, cities around the globe initiated tactical urbanism and/or temporality- by modifying, closing, widening streets for the pedestrians, bike lanes to provide more room for the sanity of the common ground.
From planning to design, as observed the challenge arises more on-demand inclination towards resilient planning and suggests a need for re-evaluating spatial settings for the emergent need of the new practice. As we are in the second year of the pandemic, the call for the conference ‘Reimagining Public Spaces and Built Environments in the Post-pandemic World’ seeks submissions that address the post-pandemic challenges in the public space and built environment as a means to reimagining a novel urban paradigm for socio-spatial conceptions of designing equitable and healthy communities.
The primary objective of this conference is to analysis the ongoing (post) pandemic crisis, spatial settings, and everyday users’ experience, and lessons learned for designing, building, and managing public space and the built environment. The second overarching objective is to contribute to the discourse of public space and built environment in generating knowledge that responds to emerging questions about post-pandemic future considerations, policies, and practices.
Download the full call here
Questions? please contact Kishwar Habib at: kishwar1@ualberta.ca
We invite authors across the world and from a wide range of disciplines, to submit research articles that may include, but are not restricted / limited to the following topics
1. Public Space and Urban Built Environment
2. Tactical Urbanism and Temporality
3. Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence
4. Designing Built Environments and Hybrid Remote Space
5. (In)formal Public Space
6. Engaging Community and Participation
7. Connection with Nature for Mental Health and Wellness
8. Future of Post Pandemic Public Space and Disaster Preparedness
Paper Submission Information
Please upload ONE Word document by December 1st, 2021. Be sure to include:
- Paper title
- Name of author/s, abstract (250 words)
- 5 keywords
- Body of the text (3500 words)
- References
- Short bio (100 words maximum)

September 20, 2021 Abstracts due
September 30, 2021 Full papers invited
December 1, 2021 Submission of full papers by the authors – Submit here
December 9 – 12, 2021 Symposium Presentation
December 15, 2021 Sent for Reviewers Comments
June, 2022 Revision of Paper Submission for Edited Book
December, 2022 Publication of the Edited book
Keynote Speakers

Kim Dovey
University of Melbourne

Sasha Tsenkova
University of Calgary

Vivian Manasc
Reimagine Architects

Ashraf Salama
University of Strathclyde

Paul Messinger
University of Alberta

Kishwar Habib
Post Doctoral Fellow
University of Alberta and Reimagine Architects

Eleni Stroulia
Professor – AI4Society
University of Alberta
Scientific Committee Around the Globe
Prof. Han Verschure
Professor, em. Urban Design, Urbanism, Landscape and Planning, University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Adnan Morshed, PhD
School of Architecture and Planning, The Catholic University of America, USA
Prof. Dr. Lawrence Esho
Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Technical University of Kenya, Kenya
Dr. Utpal Sharma
Director, Institute of Architecture, Nirma University, India
Dr. Els De Vos
Associate Professor, Faculty of Design Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Dr. Loris Servillo
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Dr. Iftheker Ahmed
Associate Professor, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Dr. Nurur Rahman Khan
Professor, The Bangladesh University
Dr. Yehya Serag
Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Facility of Engineering Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Ar. Vedran Skopac
Principal, Reimagine Architects, Canada
Dr. Omid Ardakanian
Assistant Professor at Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Joud Khasawneh
Head, Al Hussein Technical University (HTU), Jordan
Dr. Monica Rivera
Researcher, Centro De Competencias Del Agua, Ecuador
Dr. Cynthia Susilo
Strategic Advisor, United Nations of Human Settlement Program, Indonesia
Ar. Tania Ali Soomro
Lecturer, Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
Dr. Tanzil Shafique
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Kumar Biswajit Debnath
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh UK
Dr. Rashed Bhuyan
Research Fellow, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Dr. Joonwoo Kim
Assistant Professor, Daegu University, South Korea
Dr. Shuva Chowdhury
Southern Institute of Technology, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Dr. Muntazar Monsur
Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Texas Tech University, USA
Prof. Jennifer McArthur
Associate Professor, Department of Architectural Science, ARC 309, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Ashik Vaskor Mannan
Associate Professor, American International University Bangladesh
Urmee Chowdhury
Research Fellow, School of Architecture and Built Environment, Queensland University of Technology
Arjang Nikbakht
Researcher, Alberta School of Business
Sarah N Shuchi
Researcher, School of Architecture & Built Environment, Deakin University
Program at a glance

This virtual symposium is sponsored and supported by the University of Alberta, Alberta School of Business,
Reimagine Architects, Mitacs Elevate, and AI4Society, Canada.