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Post-Pandemic Illustration

Reimagining Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-Pandemic World through Illustration
a juried competition

Paul Messinger, University of Alberta
Kishwar Habib, University of Alberta and Reimagine Architects
Vivian Manasc, Reimagine Architects
Eleni Stroulia, AI4Society – University of Alberta


Submission is free of charge.

One registered participant/team can submit a maximum of 03 (three) Illustrations

Submission is now closed, thank you to all participants!


Pre-Registration: July 01, 2022- August 30, 2022
Submission: September 30, 2022  11 pm (MDT)
Award Announcement:  October 2022 [TBA]
Exhibition: TBA , 2022


The Jury Panel

Prof. Han Verschure, Urban Design, Urbanism, Landscape and Planning, University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Sasha Tsenkova, University of Calgary
Prof. Lawrence Esho, Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Technical University of Kenya, Kenya
Executive Prof. David Dale-Johnson, City Building, SOR Real Estate, University of Alberta
Dr. NR Khan, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prof. Ar. Mehdi Zahed, Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence (ACCE), Canada
Ar. Carey Van der Zalm, Reimagine Architects Inc.
Prof. Yehya Serag, Urban and Regional Planning, Facility of Engineering Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Christopher Kennedy, Urban Systems Lab, New York
Associate Prof. Els De Vos, Faculty of Design Science, University of Antwerp
Ar. Vedran Skopac, Principal, Reimagine Architects
Associate Prof. Dr. Karen Lee, Housing for Health, University of Alberta
Artist and Architect Tiffany Shaw, Reimagine Architects 

Submission Requirements 

All competition submittals need to be provided in English.

During the competition, anonymity of the entrants will be ensured. Digital material should be untraceable. Revealing the identity of any entrant during the competition period may lead to the disqualification of the design.

Canvas Size: 15“x 15” (Borderless)
Digital Copy: Pdf and Image
Resolution: 500 dpi (TIFF, PNG, and PDF format)
The naming of the Image File: Reimagine_Theme Name_Last Name (Participant)
Design Rationale and Statement (Max. 200 words)
The participants are encouraged to use a collage of multiple visions, use a variety of artwork, cut-outs, text and textures, and layering together that tells a story.
The outcome should be scalable to view on various digital devices as well as suitable for a large print.

Entrants must be age 18 years or over. Team members can be under 18 as long as they have written permission from a parent or guardian.
To enter, participants must agree to the conditions and abide by the rules of the contest.